Instagram trending full white splash theme lyrical video editing 2001

Instagram trending full white splash theme lyrical video editing 2001

Hi friends we have always been creating many types of lyrical process, but today through the editing project that I am going to tell you about the white flash effect how we can apply it to our project and how we can create a lyrical project and If you want to learn how to create a lyrical project please read to the end of this article to fully understand the Editing Instagram trending full white splash theme lyrical video editing by using kinemaster application. process and try it yourself so please observe the complete editing process to edit this project you need to download and install the kinemaster application to process this editing and we are provided all the meterials in our project description so you can download through the link which is provided now simply open the kinemaster editing application and select the option create project and now you need to choose the screen ratio as 16:9 ratio because you can use this ratio for video editing so select the ration and now select the option image assets and you can add the white colour image as a background

And extend the same layer for 30 seconds and apldd to the project and now you need to add the template video into this project and it will be appars attractive and you need to delete the audio of the project by using the option mixture and now choose the option split screen and you can select square symbol to increase the size of the project after that process you need to choose the option you can enable the option and scroll down and select the key colour and you can choose third option and you keep the green colour and apply to the project and you can make some colour adjustment

and come back to starting and you can keep the redline in starting after that you need add the photos to the project for that choose the layer option and you can select the first photo and now you need to adjust them into full screen and after that you can select the option cropping and keep the mask enable and increase the feather upto 30% and apply to the project and now again play the song for the effects and now select the layers and choose the image from your gallery and now select the option three dots and apply to the project

And you can adjust the following process and keep the white screen and choose the option photo and send the option split layer and trim right side part from that white layer and now you can add the another hd quality image to this project and select the option three dots and select the option send to back and now choose the option cropping and enable the mask option and you need to increase the feather upto 23% and apply to the image and now you need to extend the image for 5 seconds and now see the white line and now you can add the another photo and add into this project and you can add the photos and select the option send to back and now you need to do any cropping option and you need to adjust the image to process the editing and when you can observe the white screen you need to add the images for that again choose the option layer and select media to add the images into this project and you need to do some adjustments to the photo and you can add to process the editing

And now you can add the another photo to process because this is the photo video editing then you can add some photos after added the image you can choose the option send to back then the photo will be added to your project background then you can zoom the image and adjust properly after that select cropping option and you need to keep the mask enable and now you can extend the image into 7 seconds and now select the option adjustment and increase the saturation because it will be useful to increase the quality of the photo and now come back to starting and select layer and choose the option media then you need to add the lyrical video which is in background blue colour so you can download through the link which is in project description and add for editing and now select the croma key and scroll down and select the key color and add the pure blue colour in background and make other colour adjustment and choose the cropping option and you need crop small and zoom the image and add the lyrics and sessor symbol and split the layer to trim the extra part

And now you need to add the snow particles video so you can download through the link and you add to the project and select the same video and increase the size of photo and you can remove the audio from the project and now select the cropping option and you can crop the project and now choose the option blending and keep the screen enable to the photos only and now play the project then you can understand the process of editing like a cinematic version video editing

I think many of you liked the editing process because to do this kind of editing process you need a lot of materials so you think a lot about the video materials so I have provided them in the description you can use those videos to make your video editing in a new way and If you want to know more interesting projects like this then please support our website Read the content on the website often you will get full understanding of editing process only then try editing yourself and if you continue your support many more interesting projects in future cinematic lyrical video the same is said about editing thank you from the bottom of my heart I hope your support continues thankyou.

►Beat Mark project preset :

►Beat Mark Xml file Link :-

►Shake effect preset Link :-

►Shake effect preset Xml file Link :-

►Photo Link :-

►song Link :-


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